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简介1.大运会的中英文资料2.帮我翻译这篇文章 英文!3.csgo选手世界排名是怎么样的?4.世界十大男模Europe —a concept dating back to classical antiquity— is a continent that comprises the western most part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arcti
2.帮我翻译这篇文章 英文!
Europe —a concept dating back to classical antiquity— is a continent that comprises the western most part of Eurasia. Europe is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. The eastern boundary with Asia is an arbitrary historical and social construct, as there is no clear physical and geographical separation between them. The primarily physiographic term "continent" aslied to Europe also incorporates culturaland political elements whose discontinuities and lines of demarcation arenot reflected by the continent's current overland boundaries with Asia. Europe is considered by historical convention as separated from Asia by the watershed divides of the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River,the Caspianand BlackSeas, and the waterways of the TurkishStraits.
Europe covers about 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000 sq mi), or 2% of the Earth's surface(6.8% of land area). Politically, Europe is divided into about fifty sovereign states of which the Russian Federation is the largest and mostpopulous, spanning 39% of the continent and comprising 15% of its population. Europe had a total population of about 740 million(about 11% of world population) as of 2015[update]. The Europeanclimate is largely affected by warm Atlantic currents that temper wintersand summers on much of the continent, even at latitudes along which the climatein Asia and North America is severe. Further from the sea, seasonal differencesare more noticeable than close to the coast.
Europe, in particular ancientGreece, was the birthplace of Western civilization. The fall of the Western Roman Empire, during the migrationperiod, marked the end of ancienthistory and the beginning of an era known as the MiddleAges. Renaissance humanism, exploration, art,and science led to the modern era.From the Age of Discovery onwards, Europe played apredominant role in global affairs. Between the 16th and 20th centuries,European powers controlled at various times the Americas, mostof Africa, Oceania, and themajority of Asia.
The Industrial Revolution, which began in Great Britain at the end of the 18thcentury, ge rise to radical economic, cultural, and social change in WesternEurope, and eventually the wider world. Both world warstook place for the most part in Europe, contributing to a decline in WesternEuropean dominance in world affairs by the mid-20th century as the SovietUnion and the United States took prominence. During the Cold War,Europe was divided along the IronCurtain between NATOin the west and the Warsaw Pact in the east, until the revolutions of 1989 and fall of the Berlin Wall.
In 1955, the Councilof Europe was formed following a speech by Sir WinstonChurchill, with the idea of unifying Europe to achieve common goals. Itincludes all states except for Belarus, Kazakhstan and VaticanCity. Further European integration by some states led to theformation of the European Union, a separate political entity thatlies between a confederation and a federation.The EU originated in Western Europe but has been expanding eastward since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.The currency of most countries of the European Union, the euro, is the mostcommonly used among Europeans; and the EU's SchengenArea abolishes border and immigration controls among most of its memberstates. The European Anthem is "Ode to Joy" andstates celebrate peace and unity on Europe Day.
The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 28 member states that are located primarily in Europe. It has an area of 4,475,757 km? (1,728,099 sq mi), and an estimated population of over 510 million. The EU has developed an internal single marketthrough a standardised system of laws that ly in all member states. EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal market, enact legislation in justice and home affairs, and maintain common policies on trade,
agriculture, fisheries, and regional development. Within the Schengen Area, passport controls he been abolished. A monetary union was established in 1999 and came into full force in 2002, and is composed of 19 EU member states which use the euro currency.
The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC), established, respectively, by the 1951 Treaty of Paris and 1957Treaty of Rome. The original members of what came to be known as the European Communities, were the Inner Six; Belgium, France,Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and West Germany. Over the following decades many new members joined them while at the same time integration of economic, cultural, judicial and so forth would then deepen the relationships distinct European entity. The Communities and its successors he grown in size by the accession of new member states and in power by the addition of policy areas to its remit. While no member state has left the EU or its antecedent organisations, the United Kingdom enacted the result of a membership referendum in June 2016 and is currently negotiating its withdrawal. The Maastricht Treaty established the European Union in 1993 and introduced European citizenship. The latest major amendment to the constitutional basis of the EU, the Treaty of Lisbon, came into force in 2009.
The European Union accumulated a higher portion of GDP as a form of foreign aid than any other economic union. Covering 7.3% of the world population, the EU in 2016 generated a nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of 16.477 trillion US dollars, constituting roximately 22.2% of global nominal GDP and 16.9% when measured in terms of purchasing power parity. Additionally, 27 out of 28 EU countries he a very high Human Development Index, according to the United Nations Development Programme. In 2012, the EU was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Through the Common Foreign and Security Policy, the EU has developed a role in external relationsand defence. The union maintains permanent diplomatic missionsthroughout the world and represents itself at the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the G7, and the G20. Because of its global influence, the European Union has been described as anemerging superpower.
Inventory of World Cities盘点世界城市
A. ALPHA WORLD CITIES (full service world cities)答:阿尔法世界城市(全面服务世界城市)
12: London , New York , Paris , Tokyo 12 : 伦敦 , 纽约 , 巴黎 , 东京
10: Chicago , Frankfurt , Hong Kong , Los Angeles , Milan , Singapore 10日: 芝加哥 , 法兰克福 , 香港 , 洛杉矶 , 米兰 , 新加坡
B. BETA WORLD CITIES (major world cities)乙β世界城市(世界主要城市)
9: San Francisco , Sydney , Toronto , Zurich 9 : 旧金山 , 悉尼 , 多伦多 , 苏黎世
8: Brussels , Madrid , Mexico City , Sao Paulo 8日: 布鲁塞尔 , 马德里 , 墨西哥城 , 圣保罗
7: Moscow , Seoul 7 : 莫斯科 , 汉城
C. GAMMA WORLD CITIES (minor world cities) c.伽玛世界城市(小世界城市)
6: Amsterdam , Boston , Caracas , Dallas , Düsseldorf , Geneva , Houston , Jakarta , Johannesburg , Melbourne , Osaka , Prague , Santiago , Taipei , Washington 6 : 阿姆斯特丹 , 波士顿 , 加拉加斯 , 达拉斯 , 杜塞尔多夫 , 日内瓦 , 休斯敦 , 雅加达 , 约翰内斯堡 , 墨尔本 , 大阪 , 布拉格 , 圣地亚哥 , 台北 , 华府
5: Bang , Beijing , Montreal , Rome , Stockholm , Warsaw 5 : 曼谷 , 北京 , 蒙特利尔 , 罗马 , 斯德哥尔摩 , 华沙
4: Atlanta , Barcelona , Berlin , Budapest , Buenos Aires , Copenhagen , Hamburg , Istanbul , Kuala Lumpur , Manila , Miami , Minneapolis , Munich , Shanghai 4 : 亚特兰大 , 巴塞罗那 , 柏林 , 布达佩斯 , 布宜诺斯艾利斯 , 哥本哈根 , 汉堡 , 伊斯坦布尔 , 吉隆坡 , 马尼拉 , 迈阿密 , 明尼阿波利斯 , 慕尼黑 , 上海
Di Relatively strong evidence 邸相对有力证据
3: Athens , Auckland , Dublin , Helsinki , Luxembourg , Lyon , Mumbai , New Delhi , Philadelphia , Rio de Janeiro , Tel Aviv , Vienna 3 : 雅典 , 奥克兰 , 都柏林 , 赫尔辛基 , 卢森堡 , 里昂 , 孟买 , 新德里, 76日, 里约热内卢 , 特拉维夫 , 维也纳
Dii Some evidence 收益部分证据
2: Abu Dhabi , Almaty , Birmingham , Bogota , Bratisla , Brisbane , Bucharest , Cairo, Cleveland , Cologne , Detroit , Dubai , Ho Chi Minh City , Kiev , Lima , Lisbon , Manchester , Montevideo , Oslo , Riyadh , Rotterdam , Seattle , Stuttgart , The Hague , Vancouver 2 : 阿布扎比 , 阿拉木图 , 伯明翰大学 , 圣菲波哥大 , 布拉迪斯拉发 , 布里斯班 , 布加勒斯特 ,开罗, 克利夫兰 , 科隆 , 底特律 , 杜拜 , 胡志明市 , 基辅 , 利马 , 里斯本 , 曼彻斯特 , 蒙得维的亚 , 奥斯陆 , 利雅得 , 鹿特丹 , 西雅图 , 斯图加特 ,海牙 温哥华
Diii Minimal evidence diii最小证据
1: Adelaide , Antwerp , Arhus , Baltimore , Bangalore , Bologna , Brasilia , Calgary , Cape Town , Colombo , Columbus , Dresden , Edinburgh , Genoa , Glasgow , Gothenburg , Guangzhou , Hanoi , Kansas City , Leeds , Lille , Marseille , Richmond , St Petersburg , Tashkent, Tehran , Tijuana , Turin , Utrecht , Wellington 1 : 阿德莱德 , 安特卫普 , 奥胡斯 ,巴尔的摩 , 班加罗尔 , 博洛尼亚 , 巴西利亚 , 卡加利 , 开普敦 , 科伦坡 , 哥伦布 , 德累斯顿 , 爱丁堡 , 热那亚 , 格拉斯哥 , 哥德堡 , 广州 , 河内 , 堪萨斯城 , 利兹 , 里尔 , 马赛 , 里士满 圣彼得堡 ,塔什干, 德黑兰 , 蒂华纳 , 都灵 , 乌得勒支 惠灵顿
帮我翻译这篇文章 英文!
University Games, World University Games.
Known as "Little Olympics," said, by the International University Sports Federation (English: International University Sports Federation; French: Federation Internationale du Sport Universitaire), organized only in college students and graduates of not more than two years of college students (age limit 17-28 years) participated in a large multi-sports world.
First launched in 1959, its predecessor, the International Student Games. To 2004, the World University Games he been held 22 sessions.
In 1959 the first World University Games, China has participated in some track and field competition. From 1961 until the second session of the eighth, the Chinese were not sent a delegation to attend. In 15, China was accepted as a full member of the International University Sports Federation. Ninth in 17, China sent a delegation to participate in the World University Games to date successive.
Located in Shenzhen Grand Canal northeast of Shenzhen city, Longgang District, west of the city, about 15 kilometers from the city center, is held in 2011 in Shenzhen 26th Summer Universiade in the main stadium area, is also building up the city of Shenzhen implementation of cultural strategies, the development of sports industry, to promote the future of fitness center.
The entire project, covering about 87.4 hectares, construction area of over 300,000 square meters, with a total investment of about 35 billion yuan, will become the landmark of Shenzhen. Include the main stadium, gymnasium, swimming pool and fitness plaza, sports integrated service area, the press command center and other sports facilities. Meanwhile, near the main stadium, will be built in a beautiful environment, well equipped athletes village for the athletes to provide convenient and comfortable life.
"A two museums" will bear the task of the Universiade important game. Among them, plans to build 60,000-seat stadium will bear the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field competitions; can accommodate 18,000 spectators the main stadium will be the main venue basketball game; the same time there are 3,000-seat natatorium.
Universiade Center designed also embodies the most ant-garde architectural concept and people oriented. "A two museums" triangular distribution, the middle connected by the water, three stadiums just like three crystal stone, and the surrounding mountains, with green, forming a unique "landscape stone" structure. The image of rock to break the routine, for the first time for large public sports building, to reflect the spirit of innovation in Shenzhen. Meanwhile, the full account of the natural lighting and ventilation, reduce resource consumption, energy sing environmentally friendly design concepts, improve operation efficiency, with a good economy.
科学是第一生产力,生活中的科学无处不在,科学与我们的生活有着紧密的联系; 科学时刻影响着和改变着我们的生活;步入二十一世纪后,我们人类只有掌握好科技、运用好科技,才能进入全新的发展时代。
天阿,这么长啊 ,我可没这毅力都打下来,用金山快译帮你翻译翻译好了,复制在下面了:
Swim the sport is one of the athletics items that both es and all ages like.The ancient times swim, researching according to the existing historical data, domestic and international more consistent viewpoint is produce in live in the river, river, lake, sea on take of ancient person.They for the sake of existence, want by all means to catch waterfowl and fishs to make the food in the water, pass the observation and copy the animals, such as fish and frog...etc. to swim the dynamic action in the water, mastered the swimming gradually.
The our country history is long, the water is broad.Jot down the medium swimming, begin from 5,000 year agos.But the swimming be an individual to teach the business that the item can develop to still be close to several decades.
Modern swimming the sport originates England.60's in 17 centuries, British not a few swimming activities of regions open the exhibition to get very active.
In 1828, England repaired the first indoor swimming pool in Liverpudlian George's wharf, this kind of swimming pool to 30's in 19 centuries, one after another eared in each big city city in England.
In 1837, established the first swimming organization in London in England, held the earliest swimming in England game at the same time.
In January 1869, unite the meeting( now the British amateur swimming association precursor) to combine to be a specialized sport item formality to the swimming in the swimming club that London established big city City solid settle down. Combine to stream into each English colony immediately, spread the whole world subsequently. Along with the development that swimming exercise, the swimming was is divided into the swimming of 衫 and tournaments swim the two major type.The practical swimming is divided into the sidestroke, 潜泳 , anti- frog 泳 , tramples the water, gives first-aid again, armed 泅渡 ;The tournament swimming is divided into the frog 泳 , crawl, backstroke, 蝶泳 .
The tournament swimming, was included in the formal item of Olympic game from the first batch Olympic game(1896).Develop till now, various championships, the international large game pushes the development of contest the swimming continuously, making its technique action more perfect, creating the one and other excellent result.
Nowadays world, the swimming of the Euro-American athletics big country is still to lead the level.The our country 泳 坛 soldier WU2 ZHUAN4 YU4 the as early as cloth added the 勒斯 in 1953 especially the first batch international youth comity sports games up, oained the champion of the 100 m backstroke.But Chinese woman will a series of and excellent result in the creation of the beginning of 90's, just real make the swimming in China cause the attention of the international 泳坛 .
二、Nikola "NiKo" Kova?
出道于2011年Adepto BH公开赛,这场总奖金有10500欧元的波黑1.6线下赛事有两只顶级强队参加——Fnatic和Natus Vincere。
在塞尔维亚最佳指挥Aleksandar "kassad" Trifunovic的指导下,NiKo展现出更多富有天赋的一面,虽然他们的队伍再次在DH布加勒斯特上败给了Fnatic。
第十名:保罗?安吉喜(Paolo Anchisi)
经纪公司:Ford Models(纽约)/ Storm Model Management(伦敦)/ 2pm Model Management(哥本哈根)/ Bon Image Corp。(东京)/ Sight Management Studio(巴塞罗那)
代言品牌:H&M、古德曼(Bergdorf Goodman)、阿玛尼(Emporio Armani)
第九名:西蒙尼·诺比利(Simone Nobili)
经纪公司:VNY Model Management(纽约)/ Uno Models(巴塞罗纳)/ Bananas(巴黎)/ MODELWERK(汉堡)/ 2pm Model Management(哥本哈根)
代言品牌:亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)、杜嘉班纳(Dolce & Gabbana)、纪梵希(Givenchy)、蒂埃里·穆勒(Thierry Mugler)
Simone自己都没有想到事业会发展到现在这个地步。2010年底,当他和朋友在一家消遣被星探发现的时候,他还只是个大学生,而短短不到两个月,这个意大利男模界的“神童”便登上了2011年米兰时装周顶级品牌Alexander McQueen和Dolce &Gabbana的天桥。在巴黎时装周上Simone又出现在Givenchy和Mugler的Show中。
同年秋季,Simone先后为时尚风向标GQ Style Italy和Vogue Hommes拍摄了广告。2012年1月他又成功的出演了D&G,Dolce &Gabbana和Givenchy的广告。
第八名:詹尼斯·安森斯(Janis Ancens)
经纪公司:Elite Milan(米兰)/ Attitude Models(布加勒斯特)
代言品牌:Craig McDean, Mert & Marcus, Steven Klein and Willy Vanderperre
第七名:巴斯蒂亚·范·盖伦(Bastiaan Van Gaalen)
经纪公司:DNA Models(纽约)/ Premier Model Management(伦敦)/ Ford Models Europe(巴黎)/ Scoop Models(哥本哈根)/ I LOVE Models Management(米兰)/ SPIN Model Management(汉堡)/ IMM Bruxelles(布鲁塞尔)/ Sight Management Studio(巴塞罗那)
代言品牌:Zara, Uniqlo, Hugo by Hugo Boss
第六名:大卫·阿格波(Did Agbodji)
经纪公司:Request Model Management NY(纽约)/ Next London(伦敦)/ I LOVE Models Management(米兰)/ CLICK LA(洛杉矶)/ Sight Management Studio(巴塞罗那)/ Mega Model Agency(汉堡)/ Success Models(巴黎)/ Mega Model Agency(汉堡)/ Unique Denmark(哥本哈根)
代言品牌:Calvin Klein, Hermes, Jean Paul Gaultier, Bottega Veneta, Viktor&Rolf, Zegna, Hugo Boss
第五名:巴普蒂斯特·瑞多夫(Baptiste Radufe)
经纪公司:VNY Model Management(纽约)/ Premier Model Management(伦敦)/ Scoop Models(哥本哈根)/ Success Models(巴黎)/ Elite Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩)/ Modellink(斯德哥尔摩)/ Donna Models(东京)/View Management(巴塞罗那)/ Priscilla's Model Management(悉尼)/ I LOVE Models Management(米兰)
代言品牌:Yves Saint Laurent
第四名:本杰明·艾登姆(Benjamin Eidem)
经纪公司:Request Model Management NY(纽约)/ Nathalie Models(巴黎)/ Elite Milan(米兰)/ Modellink(斯德哥尔摩)/ Elite Copenhagen(哥本哈根)/ Kult Model Agency(汉堡)/ Elite Stockholm(斯德哥尔摩)/ Elite London(伦敦)
代言品牌:Prada, Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein, Margaret Howell
第三名:克莱门特?查波诺德(Clement Chabernaud)
经纪公司:Wilhelmina New York(纽约)/ Sight Management Studio(巴塞罗那)/ d'management group(米兰)/ Elite London(伦敦)/ Unique Denmark(哥本哈根)/ Success Models(巴黎)/ Success Models(巴黎)/ Bon Image Corp。(东京)/ FM Agency(伦敦)
代言品牌:吉尔?桑达(Jil Sander)、 罗伯特?卡沃利(Roberto Calli)、普拉达(Prada)
男模克莱门特?查波诺德(Clement Chabernaud)拥有一张典型的法国男人的外形——深邃且略带忧郁的眼神、立体俊朗的面容、高挑骨感的身材。设计师吉尔?桑达(Jil Sander)和摄影师Willy Vanderperre都把克莱门特?查波诺德奉为缪斯,普拉达(Prada)、罗伯特?卡沃利(Roberto Calli)、吉尔?桑达 (Jil Sander) 等国际品牌也纷纷找克莱门特?查波诺德代言。
第二名:西蒙?奈斯曼(Simon Nessman)
经纪公司:Storm Model Management(伦敦)/ Ford Models Europe(巴黎)/ Kult Model Agency(汉堡)/ Soul Artist Management(纽约)/ Scoop Models(哥本哈根)/ IMM Bruxelles(布鲁塞尔) / I LOVE Models Management Major Management(米兰)
代言品牌:Giorgio Armani, Versace, D&G, Givenchy, Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Lanvin, Yves Saint Laurent, Barneys, Gap and John Galliano
Simon Nessman因为GIVENCHY的08秋冬广告代言而令人瞩目,Simon Nessman像是从拉斐尔早期作品中走出来的美男,天真而又浪漫的模样使他不同于其他男。Simon Nessman来自加拿大,1989年出生于英属哥伦比亚省,现居住于美国纽约。Simon Nessman第一次亮相是在2007年9月的纽约时装周为Narciso Rodriguez春装走秀。之后在各大时装秀场上我们便越来越多看见他的身影,D&G 和 Lord &Taylor品牌请Simon Nessman做2008年春夏广告的代言,由大摄影师Mario Testino掌镜。
其后,Simon Nessman不断在《Vogue》、《Numero》、《GQ Style》、《V Man》、《L'OfficielHommes》等时尚杂志上露面。2009年,纪梵希(GIVENCHY)与西蒙?奈斯曼(Simon Nessman)续约,2009春夏纪梵希(GIVENCHY)的广告继续由西蒙?奈斯曼(Simon Nessman)代言!2009秋冬秀季后,西蒙?奈斯曼(Simon Nessman)在models权威男模排行榜上位列全球 TOP 50男模之第2名,当红不让。
第一名:肖恩?奥普瑞(Sean O'Pry)
经纪公司:VNY Model Management(纽约)
代言品牌:Calvin Klein, Dsquared2, Gianfranco Ferre, Versace, Armani, Hugo Boss, Viktor & Rolf, Bottega Veneta
肖恩?奥普瑞(Sean O'Pry)是注定成为T台的当红男模。1989年7月5日出生的肖恩?奥普瑞(Sean O'Pry),家乡在美国佐治亚州Kennesaw,身高186cm。肖恩?奥普瑞(Sean O'Pry)17岁出道即光速爆红,现在是CK的最新代言人。
身为近年来窜红最快的男模,肖恩?奥普瑞(Sean O'Pry)2007年春夏被男性时尚杂志《GQ Style》英国版选为“当季最佳男士”(Man for the Season)时,出道仅仅5周!肖恩?奥普瑞(Sean O'Pry)那文艺复兴雕像般深凿的眉宇、颧骨,以及那堪称全天下男人当中最的完美唇型,让Fashion界惊为天人。